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Drug abuse prevention device and a method thereof

DiscoverSTEM Innovators developed a wearable band that detects the presence of substances and informs parents.



Innovation Title:
Drug abuse prevention device and a method thereof

Name & Age of Inventors (at the time of innovation):
Aalia Mohammad (14)
Aanchal Raghuvanshi (15)
Deepika Dandeboina (14)
Sarah Varghese (16)
Ridah Shaista Shanavas (15)

Problem Statement:

Approximately 80% of teenagers succumb to substance abuse influenced by peer pressure.

Research reveals a troubling reality. Approximately 80% of teenagers succumb to substance abuse influenced by peer pressure. What’s more concerning was the absence of a comprehensive system for predicting and preventing such behaviour among adolescents.

This data underscores a pressing societal challenge that demands urgent attention. Addressing this issue requires multifaceted efforts, including education, mental health support, and community involvement, to empower teenagers to make informed and healthy choices, ultimately steering them away from the destructive path of substance abuse and its lifelong consequences.

About the Innovation:

DiscoverSTEM Innovators developed a wearable band that detects the presence of substances and informs parents.

Young inventors at DiscoverSTEM innovated a wearable band that detects the presence of substances through a nano mass spectrometer and informs parents. The system also has an in-built data analysis and prediction module which predicts if a child has a probability of using any substance.

Patent Certificate:

US Patent Grant Date:
October 11, 2022

United States Patent Number:

Awards & Recognition:
Winner of Power Pitch Award at Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge 2017 at NASA Kennedy Space Center.

To Read Patent Details:
Click Here USPTO | Google Patents