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Week 17 (23 & 24 March 2024) :: DiscoverSTEM Sessions

Find out what our teams of innovators have been up to in their latest session!



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AI-ML & Autonomous Tech :: Team Raj Reddy


Team Raj Reddy took initiative by straightening-out their two potential innovations to the problem of ‘debris clogging gutters.’ The team then split into two groups and delved into detailing the works of their innovations, sketching schematic diagrams, and pinpointing any potential shortcomings. The team is required to continue drafting their innovations via the ‘final innovation template,’ whereby a patent expert will review its current qualifications in the upcoming sessions.

Research Lab:

The students in the Artificial-Intelligence, Machine-Learning and Autonomous Technology Research Lab went through the entirety of Module 3: Basic Terms of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Autonomous Technology. Here, the innovators became familiar with a catalog of 24 standard terms used in their respective fields. While there was no activity for the third module, the information presented will be used in the following module’s activity.

Research Assignment:

The team must precisely clarify their innovations on the ‘final innovation template’ by 3/29/20.

  1. Ishaaq Mohammad
  2. Gautam Surapaneni
  3. Akshara Kommidi
  4. Simran Babaria
  5. Arjun Kommidi
  6. Aaina Mitchell
  7. Rohan Vanama
  8. Tarik Syed
  9. Mohammad Kamil Shadab
  10. Omar Mahasoom
  11. Taarush Adhikari
  12. Sarah K Francis
  13. Arjun Sriram

AI-ML & Autonomous Tech :: Team Ismail al-Jazari


This week Team Ismail al-Jazari engaged in extensive discussion in order to come to a team wide agreement o which solution they should continue with, as they had previously had multiple options to explore. once the decision was made the team recognized three main components they needed to expand upon. The team began working on these components and ended the session off with most components accounted for.

Research Lab:

In the Artificial-Intelligence, Machine-Learning and Autonomous Technology Research Lab, the students went through the entirety of Module 3: Basic Terms of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Autonomous Technology. Here, the innovators became familiar with a catalog of 24 standard terms used in their respective fields. While there was no activity for the third module, the information presented will be used in the following module’s activity.

Research Assignment:

Finalize the solutions to the three lacking components and begin the documentation of their final solution.

  1. Abdullah Kabeer
  2. Rayhan Shanavas
  3. Iliyan Mithani
  4. Shayaan Shaik
  5. Sanchi Gabri
  6. Kaashvi Singh
  7. Aarifa Fatima
  8. Nityashri Ramesh
  9. Vishy Narayanan
  10. Fayez Naqvi
  11. Reva Agrahari
  12. Jiya Saanvi Singh
  13. Hadiya Sameen

Neurotechnology & Brain Computer Interface :: Team Elon Musk


Team Elon Musk is solving the problem of “Students being stuck in hallways during school shootings”’ During this session, the team implemented the mechanics of their solution into their real life model and tested different ways it could possibly work. This team can expect to continue working on the model next week and present it to Mr. Faizan.

Research Lab:

The team then moved onto their selected research lab – Neurotechnology & Brain-Computer Interface. This week, they completed Module 4, which was the Brain Diseases & Disorders Module. The team did the activity associated with this lab and can expect to move on to the 5th Module next week.

Research Assignment:

Start working on the Final Innovation Template and continue brainstorming ways to implement the mechanisms in their model.

  1. Niyantri Narayanan
  2. Zahra Khan
  3. Meher Saanvi Singh
  4. Eyad Ismail
  5. Reyansh Kumar Singh
  6. Shalaan Umar
  7. Zara Majid
  8. Omar Ismail
  9. Hidvika Dubey
  10. Mishaal Ayesha Umar
  11. Ismail Mohammad
  12. Ali Naseem
  13. Arjun Yerramchetty

CLAIM Team :: Ramanujan

The kids were excited to be back from their spring break, coming in with all the enthusiasm! For this exercise, we challenged abstract thinking abilities as their exercise was, “How could you be immortal, so that you live forever?” They based their ideas from what they know about human health. Overall, by stimulating their creative ideas, we encourage the process of abstract thinking to develop in a structured manner!

  1. Zaynah Mithani
  2. Hitakrit Dubey
  3. Nathan Stewart
  4. Lucas Wang
  5. Maahi Chandra Singh
  6. Abdullah Zayd Syed
  7. Mariam

CLAIM Team :: Ibn al-Haytham

After being back from spring break, we dove right into the exercise of “How could you be immortal, so that you live forever?’ The innovators of this class are on the younger side, so we focused more on divulging their creative abilities and teaching the concept of ‘regeneration.’ The kids summarized solutions in the category of superpowers! They dedicated different superpowers to different groups of people to create a solution on how to live forever as a society!

  1. Asma Ali Ghouri
  2. Tobi Oluwaji
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