Genomics :: Team Charles Darwin

Team Charles Darwin is solving the problem of car to motorbike accidents. In this session, they brainstormed upon their final innovation and came up with a tentative design and concept for it. They then presented it to to Mr. Faizan and received critiques on what to fix. Next session they can expect to continue refining their innovation and start working on their Final Innovation Template.
Research Lab:
The team then moved on to their selected research lab – Genomics, Biotechnology, and Health Sciences. This week, they completed Module 5, which was the Mutations Module. The team did the activity associated with this lab, in which they brainstormed different ways to create a theoretical mRNA vaccine for a hypothetical disease with spikes. They can expect to move on to the 6th Module next week.
Research Assignment:
Come together in a Zoom meeting ad start working on their Final Innovation Template.
- Sparsh Kamdar
- Advaita Piduri
- Isha Agrawal
- Manyatha Simhambhatla
- Yara Wael Abo-Auda
- Abrar Ameer
- Amra Ameer
- Diya Alamuri
- Rohini Saha
- Vishuddhi Makeshwaran