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On the rise: Meet NTX Inno’s 2020 25 Under 25 most innovative kids



For young entrepreneurs, the challenges of building a startup or creating new technology include the long hours of coding, developing and building a deck, often while navigating college classes or their entry to the business world. However, this year is unlike any other. Now, companies they help run and decisions they make affect the livelihoods of others. And some of the technology they create has the ability to impact communities around the world.

Some are plugging away at socially distanced office buildings and coworking spaces, some are working from dorm rooms. Others are tuning into accelerator programs taking place in other corners of the country. And many are working from their home offices – even if that’s the couch and coffee table. However, the moves made and lives helped by young innovators shows that the future will be shaped by the new generation.

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