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Week 15 (24 & 25 February 2024) :: DiscoverSTEM Sessions

Find out what our teams of innovators have been up to in their latest session!



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Discover the Teams!

DIP/ILM Year 1

Team Marie Curie


Team Marie Curie split into two groups during this week’s innovation session. One group remained focused on their current problem of termite infestation, which poses a threat to the integrity and foundation of structures. They engaged in brainstorming and analyzing various solution ideas related to this issue. Meanwhile, the other group brainstormed potential alternative problems that the team could address in the future.

This division of focus ensures that the team remains dynamic in their approach to problem-solving, allowing them to explore multiple avenues for innovation. Both groups are poised to continue their brainstorming efforts in the upcoming sessions.

Research Assignment:

Continue brainstorming throughout the week. In the next session, all team members are expected to have a physical paper with handwritten progress of their innovation journey throughout the week.

  1. Karan Verma
  2. Ayush Veer Davuluri
  3. Asher Sorin
  4. Maheen Rafique
  5. Taheea Raya Ahmed
  6. Ismaeel Zaidi
  7. Ashir Khan
  8. Ayaan Haq
  9. Abdur Rahman Bin Aslam
  10. Arnav Raghuvanshi
  11. Ayan Raghuvanshi
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