Genomics :: Team Charles Darwin

Team Charles Darwin is solving the problem of “car-to-bicycle crashes.”. In this session, the team worked on completing the team idea mapping. After that, the team collectively reviewed each idea map and picked up the best ideas to compose the final holistic solution. The team presented a holistic solution to Mr. Faizan for his feedback. As per the feedback, the team will elaborate on aspects of each feature to analyze what makes them “innovative/new.”
Research Lab:
In the Genomics research lab’s 3rd session, the team learned about “Introduction to DNA and RNA” and how they work together to code proteins. The team completed the session by engaging in an activity where they converted the binary code of given sentences into the corresponding nucleotide bases.
Research Assignment:
Take Mr. Faizan’s critiques about the final solution and implement them to create a new innovative solution that solves the problem of car to bicycle crashes.
- Sparsh Kamdar
- Advaita Piduri
- Isha Agrawal
- Manyatha Simhambhatla
- Yara Wael Abo-Auda
- Abrar Ameer
- Amra Ameer
- Diya Alamuri
- Rohini Saha
- Vishuddhi Makeshwaran