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Week 02 (28 & 29 October 2023) :: DiscoverSTEM Sessions



Here’s a team-wise overview of activities conducted during DiscoverSTEM Weekly Sessions held on 28th and 29th October 2023.

Genomics Team :: Charles Darwin


  1. Aarifa Fatima
  2. Abrar Ameer
  3. Amra Ameer
  4. Rohini Saha
  5. Aarav Patel
  6. Abhiram Jetty
  7. Advaita Piduri
  8. Vivaan Sthiya
  9. Vishuddhi Makeshwaran
  10. Manyatha Simhambhatla
  11. Yara Wael Abo-Auda
  12. Sparsh Kamdar
  13. Diya Alamuri
  14. Dhruva Kanthi

Team Charles Darwin decided to have each member of the team choose their own individual top 5 problems from the list they generated on Day 1. After choosing, they came together to discuss all of them problems and chose their top 5 problems.

They ranked their top five questions, which were approved later by the mentors. They finally began working on their Star-bursting Brainstorming, coming up with questions they had for each problem.

Aerospace Team :: Wright Brothers


  1. Ashaz Haque
  2. Joseph Jacob Kurian
  3. Ariv Kiran
  4. Eashaan Dispenza
  5. Advik Kothari
  6. Deen Adil Khan
  7. Francis Paul Kurian
  8. Prishaa Jain
  9. Temitope Oluwaji
  10. Tomisin Oluwaji
  11. Siddharth Rao
  12. Sheza Asif
  13. Tanay Sethiya
  14. Arini Kiran
  15. Siddha Kanthi

Team Wright Brothers identified the five most suitable problems out of all of the previously generated problems. They were able to debate and discuss the feasibility for each problem and engages in thought provoking conversation.

Team Marie Curie


  1. Karan Verma
  2. Ayush Veer Davuluri
  3. Asher Sorin
  4. Sana Naeem
  5. Taheea Raya Ahmed
  6. Ismaeel Zaidi
  7. Ashir Khan
  8. Ayaan Haq
  9. Abdur Rahman Bin Aslam
  10. Sumayya Tabassum Shaik
  11. Arnav Raghuvanshi
  12. Ayan Raghuvanshi

Team Marie Curie worked on developing different innovative uses for everyday items such as pizza boxes and copper wire. They utilized abstract and creative thinking skills in this activity.

 Team Nikola Tesla


  1. Daksha Jamallamudi
  2. Rithvik Kamesh
  3. Rishon Ishwa Rajesh
  4. Anvesha Nigam
  5. Farhan Haq
  6. Talha Bin Aslam
  7. Shaurya Mallur
  8. Aminah Mahmood

Students in the Nikola Tesla group worked on their creativity and ability to generate innovative ideas by brainstorming uses for everyday house hold items. They were able to come up with a multitude of innovative uses for items such as copper wire and empty cardboard boxes.

Team Thomas Edison


  1. Raj Veer Davuluri
  2. Aryaman Mishra
  3. Aariz Chaudhry
  4. Tanisha Raka Ahmed
  5. Kashyap Samudrala
  6. Anderson Aloy
  7. Risha Jamllamudi
  8. Anum Khan

Innovation Team Thomas Edison grasped the qualities and life cycle of innovation. To put their skills to the test, they undertook the task of finding numerous innovative uses for defined objects. Together, they cleverly brainstormed approximately 250 total creative uses for a variety of 3 items.

AI-ML Team :: Ismail Al-Jazari


  1. Sanchi Gabri
  2. Nityashri Ramesh
  3. Akansh Karthik
  4. Omar Mahasoom
  5. Isha Agrawal
  6. Vishy Narayanan
  7. Taarush Adhikari
  8. Fayez Naqvi
  9. Hadiya Sameen
  10. Reva Agrahari
  11. Jiya Saanvi Singh
  12. Kaashvi Singh
  13. Iliyan Mithani
  14. Shayaan Shaik
  15. Rayhan Shanavas
  16. Abdullah Kabeer

Team Ismail Al Jazari from the Sunday-morning batch worked on seeking their top 5 problems and revising them accordingly to the Chief Innovation Facilitator’s feedback. The team, though, is not far off, and with due time and thought its collaborative efforts will prevail.

AI-ML Team :: Raj Reddy


  1. Simran Babaria
  2. Arjun Sriram
  3. Aaina Mitchell
  4. Arjun Kommidi
  5. Sarah K Francis
  6. Riday Jogani
  7. Rohan Vanama
  8. Tarik Syed
  9. Nakshtra Piduri
  10. Ismail Mohammad
  11. Gautam Surapaneni
  12. Akshara Kommidi
  13. Mohammad Kamil Shadab

Team Raj Reddy in the Sunday-morning batch successfully identified their top five problems in which they intend to develop upon. The intuitive team has been given the go-ahead by the Chief Innovation Facilitator to continue the process of innovation through STAR-Bursting, a method in which innovators solidify their understanding of the problems by ways of intensive and thorough questioning.

Neurotechnology Team :: Elon Musk


  1. Niyantri Narayanan
  2. Zahra Khan
  3. Meher Saanvi Singh
  4. Eyad Ismail
  5. Reyansh Kumar Singh
  6. Shalaan Umar
  7. Zara Majid
  8. Dhruv Alamuri
  9. Omar Ismail
  10. Hidvika Dubey
  11. Mishaal Ayesha Umar
  12. Adwik Sharma
  13. Pramiti N. Navakiran

Team Elon Musk worked on day 2 of the innovation process, picking out the top five problems they wanted to solve from their list of problems. They then ranked those problems and reviewed them with Mr.Faizan. After talking to him, they revised their top five problems and are awaiting further approval.

Team Abdus Salam


  1. Shaheer Irfan Hammed
  2. Reeva Joshi
  3. Sarah Nanam Kumar
  4. Anjhani Ramesh Kumar
  5. Daniel Yankovsky
  6. Sanjeev Venkatesh
  7. Rishi Sai Poola
  8. Aarush Siddabathuni
  9. Ibrahim Syed
  10. Suhani Sharma

Team Abdus Salam was tasked to brainstorm 20 innovative ideas with the use of certain items such as old newspapers, unused pizza boxes, toilet paper rolls, long strands of copper wire, and a coat hanger.

Together, the team brainstormed 40+ new innovations from old newspapers. They then split into two groups in which group 1 brainstormed 65 ideas utilizing a coat hanger and group 2 with long strands of copper wire.

This activity let all participants to think outside of the box and collaborate to create unique and innovative ideas. Team Abdus Salam transformed these simple ideas into innovations.

Team Aryabhata


  1. Yusuf Abdellatif
  2. Zahrah Hameed
  3. Yusuf Mirza
  4. Aarna Shah
  5. Jaivardhan Chhawal
  6. Shazneen Sheik
  7. Aard Shah

Team  Aryabhata worked together to brainstorm innovative ideas of how to use a specific item differently. The team chose to brainstorm different uses of old newspaper. After coming up with 20+ ideas, they chose a cup sleeve insulator as their most innovative idea.

The group was able to work together and collaborate to come up with unique ideas and learn the skills to take an innovative approach.

Team Isaac Newton


  1. Sheraz Abdellatif
  2. Emaad Mallick
  3. Zaynab Rahmani
  4. Adam Ali Ghouri
  5. Rhea Jain
  6. Qasim Syed
  7. Chhayank Meena
  8. James C. Stewart
  9. Ayat Faizan
  10. Yousef Seyed Ghatari
  11. Aashna Chimata
  12. Azfar Sheik

Team Isaac Newton displayed remarkable creativity coming up with over 20 applications for everyday items such as old newspapers, paper towel rolls, and wire coat hangers. In a friendly competition with their older team members, these young innovators showcased their creativity and impressive collaboration skills.

CLAIM Team :: Ramanujan


  1. Zaynah Mithani
  2. Hitakrit Dubey
  3. Nathan Stewart
  4. Naomi Zurfluh
  5. Lucas Wang
  6. Maahi Chandra Singh
  7. Abdullah Zayd Syed

The morning CLAIM group focused on a problem solving exercise that rigorously challenged out-of-the-box thinking. For this exercise, the kids were challenged to find a way to make arcade lines shorter and lessen waiting time: under the condition that there was no additional space to add games.

The group was guided through three rounds of solution brainstorming; each which was more challenging than the last. Eager to resolve the issue presented, the kids swiftly came up with solutions in the first round, but also were able to experience the difficulty of finding diverse, alternative solutions throughout the next two rounds.

Through collaborative effort, the kids surmised ways to create more space without expanding the building, optimize the amount of people able to game at once, and ways to create more orderly lines to lessen the waiting time. Overall, this exercise helped the kids achieve the understanding and practice of dynamic problem solving.

CLAIM Team :: Ibn al-Haytham


  1. Sophia Abdellatif
  2. Asma Ali Ghouri
  3. Isha Poola
  4. Tobi Oluwaji
  5. Mustafa Syed
  6. Andrew Stewart

The afternoon CLAIM group worked on the same exercise as the morning CLAIM group. As they worked on the same issue, there were obvious repeat solutions from the morning. This challenged them to think smarter through the first round.

Once they got to the second round, the kids were stumped. To resolve this, we used analytical thinking to reevaluate the perspective to which they were viewing the issue. Once on a fresh note with intricate solutions, the kids moved to the last round. In the last round, they were able to utilize the space of an empty parking lot to contribute varying solutions.

After reflecting on their understanding of the intricacies involved with business, the kids surmised solutions to apply not only to kids waiting in lines, but the parents that must be present as well, demonstrating intuitive intelligence.