Team Isaac Newton

Team Isaac Newton completed classical and wild idea brainstorming for one of their two problems, “Dirty shoes.” In wild idea brainstorming, the goal is to accumulate as many out-of-the box ideas possible. Ultimately, they found the most success with wild idea, cumulation- over 100 ideas! Their plan for the coming week is to work on finding how the solution will work and what methods will be needed.
Research Assignment:
Research the best type of cleaning solutions for different types of shoes that get dirty.
- Sheraz Abdellatif
- Emaad Mallick
- Zaynab Rahmani
- Adam Ali Ghouri
- Rhea Jain
- Qasim Syed
- Chhayank Meena
- Ayat Faizan
- Yousef Seyed Ghatari
- Aashna Chimata
- Azfar Sheik
- Sophia Abdellatiif