Team Thomas Edison

Team Thomas Edison began class by overviewing and making amends to their innovation over the problem of “Infant injuries due to improper car seat restraint.’ By the third quarter of the class, the team combined two of their ideas to work in tandem, and then documented the specifics of their innovation in the last quarter. The team can expect to continue outlining the specific operations of their innovation and have it reviewed by a patent expert in the
following sessions.
Research Assignment:
Continue documenting their innovation in the Final Innovation Template and work to ensure it is clear and concise.
- Raj Veer Davuluri
- Aryaman Mishra
- Aariz Chaudhry
- Tanisha Raka Ahmed
- Kashyap Samudrala
- Anderson Aloy
- Risha Jamllamudii
- Anum Khan
- Shaurya Mallur