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Week 16 (2 & 3 March 2024) :: DiscoverSTEM Sessions

Find out what our teams of innovators have been up to in their latest session!



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Team Abdus Salam


Team Abdus Salam split up into three groups to work on their problems of “Older cars not having blind spot detectors,” “Cars hydroplaning during heavy rain,” and “Car A/Cs breaking down in hot weather.” The group working on the “Older cars not having blind spot detectors” finalized their innovation and presented it to Mr. Faizan.

They can expect to finish the final innovation template next session and work on different diagrams to depict their solution. The group working on the “Cars hydroplaning during heavy rain” continued brainstorming solutions and came up with a final solution that they presented to Mr. Faizan. They can expect to work on the final innovation template and diagrams next session. The group working on the “Car A/Cs breaking down during hot weather” finished finding existing solutions for their problem and began brainstorming solutions for their problem. They can expect to continue brainstorming next session.

Research Assignment:

Work on completing the final innovation template before the next session and continue brainstorming different embodiments for their innovations.

  1. Shaheer Irfan Hammed
  2. Sana Naeem
  3. Reeva Joshi
  4. Sarah Nanam Kumar
  5. Anjhani Ramesh Kumar
  6. Daniel Yankovsky
  7. Sanjeev Venkatesh
  8. Rishi Sai Poola
  9. Aarush Siddabathuni
  10. Ibrahim Syed
  11. Suhani Sharma
  12. Syed Naail Ayaz
  13. Jumana Janabi
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